In winter we’ll travel in a little pink carriage With cushions of blue. We’ll be fine. A nest of mad kisses waits In each corner too.
You’ll shut your eyes, not to see, through the glass, Grimacing shadows of evening, Those snarling monsters, a crowd going past Of black wolves and black demons.
Then you’ll feel your cheek tickled quite hard… A little kiss, like a maddened spider, Will run over your neck…
And you’ll say: “Catch it!” bowing your head, – And we’ll take our time finding that creature – Who travels so far…
最后的莫西干人 (The Last of the Mohicans) 1992 最后的武士 (The Last Samurai) 2003 与狼共舞 (Dances With Wolves) 1996 1492 (Conquest of Paradise) 1992 启示录 (Apocalypto) 2006
Yeah, cmon Love my girl She lookin good Cmon One more
Five to one, baby One in five No one here gets out alive, now You get yours, baby Ill get mine Gonna make it, baby If we try
The old get old And the young get stronger May take a week And it may take longer They got the guns But we got the numbers Gonna win, yeah Were takin over Come on!
Your ballroom days are over, baby Night is drawing near Shadows of the evening crawl across the years Ya walk across the floor with a flower in your hand Trying to tell me no one understands Trade in your hours for a handful dimes Gonna make it, baby, in our prime
Come together one more time Get together one more time Get together one more time Get together, aha Get together one more time! Get together one more time! Get together one more time Get together one more time Get together, gotta, get together
Hey, cmon, honey You wont have along wait for me, baby Ill be there in just a little while You see, I gotta go out in this car with these people and...
Get together one more time Get together one more time Get together, got to Get together, got to Get together, got to Take you up in my room and... Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah Love my girl She lookin good, lookin real good Love ya, cmon
2. Not To Touch The Earth
Not to touch the earth Not to see the sun Nothing left to do, but Run, run, run Let's run Let's run
House upon the hill Moon is lying still Shadows of the trees Witnessing the wild breeze C'mon baby run with me Let's run
Run with me Run with me Run with me Let's run
The mansion is warm, at the top of the hill Rich are the rooms and the comforts there Red are the arms of luxuriant chairs And you won't know a thing till you get inside
Dead president's corpse in the driver's car The engine runs on glue and tar Come on along, not goin' very far To the East to meet the Czar
Run with me Run with me Run with me Let's run
Some outlaws lived by the side of a lake The minister's daughter's in love with the snake Who lives in a well by the side of the road Wake up, girl, we're almost home
Ya, c'mon!
We should see the gates by mornin' We should be inside the evenin'
Sun, sun, sun Burn, burn, burn Soon, soon, soon Moon, moon, moon I will get you Soon! Soon! Soon!
电影以耄耋老人对不礼貌的医生一句“Kiss My Ass”打头,讲述了她和一只狗共居老屋,寂寞的自言自语,信手拈来的回忆,老人孤独时和狗凭窗凝望,借镜窥看。有富家商人(还有儿子),打着老宅的主意,隔壁还有一间儿童音乐俱乐部,声乐响起,漫天音色,孩子们有时偷跑来老宅院荡秋千,处处混杂着老人的迷思和回忆。
历史上不乏制作精良的摇滚电影,比如,讲述大门乐队的The Door,有关Johnny Cash的Walk The Line,有关Bob Dylan的I Am Not There,有关Still Water的Almost Famous,讲述Ray Charles的灵魂歌王,等等,相比,这部作品只能是作为普及布鲁斯知识的平平之作。
导演,贝斯手库斯图里卡巡回演出时反复说的一句话是”Brothers and Sisters, this is the beginning of our beautiful friendship”,在我看来整部电影如果是为了最后风琴手的独白,则电影深度又降了一级。当然少不了最后的独白,否则电影主题过于不显山露水难免让人不明所以。而要是仅仅为了它,则电影沦为一般性追忆,尽管前面音乐画面铺陈脱俗,不落俗套,但依然是一般性怀旧作品。
说句题外话(也是题内话),电影里的音乐有着浓厚的巴尔干风格:欢快的曲调,手风琴,小提琴,萨克斯,大号融合谱写了别样的巴尔干庞克,很特别。借用里面Joe Strummer的一段话作结,以此和全体摇滚乐人共勉:”That's(Emir's band No Smoking Orchestra)new for me to see that kind of music, You know, in the UK, everybody's playing the same music, you know, guitar and drums…We do not have any flavour like that. Maybe it is a new flavour…I feel we need a new flavour of some sort. That is why I like Emir with his crazy clique of Greek Jewish wedding music. I mean this could be the music of the future and of us, you know.” 诚心希望中国音乐人能听到这句话。玩吉他,你能比得过Jimmy Hendrix,Eric Clapton和Mark Knopfler吗?玩歌词,你能比得过Bob Dylan,Jim Morrison吗?但要国外人玩中国的二胡,古筝,琵琶,扬琴,竹笛,他们可差远了。
自此,我可以在工作中大发雷霆,只为了表达心意,比工作前,上学时更甚,我也可以毫不讳言,说自己的身体就是精神灵魂,不说“I hate my body”,更不说“I worship my body”,平分秋色却更合适,自此,我丝毫不在乎别人的评头论足。奇怪的是,人说工作能磨平人的棱角,我非但没有,反而棱角分明,得罪数人,也不曾后悔。如今我不无矫情地说,我成了任性的孩子。